Best autobiography books 2017

  • Best autobiography books 2017
  • Best autobiography books of all time!

    Booklist recently shared their Top 10 Biography reading lists of 2017 , including these five Macmillan titles:
    Top 10 Biographies (full list)

    BLACK ELK: The Life of an American Visionary by Joe Jackson
    Jackson meticulously chronicles the struggle of the Sioux visionary and medicine man Black Elk to help his embattled people preserve their culture and traditions.

    THE FALL OF THE HOUSE OF WILDE: Oscar Wilde and His Family by Emer O’Sullivan
    O’Sullivan tells the great Irish writer’s story in concert with those of Wilde’s physician, archaeologist, antiquarian, and folklorist father, William; translator, poet, and mythographer mother, Jane; and brother, William, a gifted and troubled society journalist.

    MAD ENCHANTMENT: Claude Monet and the Painting of the Water Lilies by Ross King
    With vivid specificity and poignant insights, King eloquently tells the wondrous story of the great impressionist Monet’s long struggle against war, grief, and fading eyesight to paint his monum