Nation of islam biography books

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    Nation of Islam

    African-American new religious movement

    Not to be confused with Islamic nation or Islamic State.

    For the broader pan-Islamic concept of the Muslim nation, see Ummah.

    The Nation of Islam (NOI) is a religious organization founded in the United States by Wallace Fard Muhammad in 1930.

    A centralized and hierarchical organization, the NOI is committed to black nationalism and focuses on the African diaspora, especially on African Americans. While describing itself as Islamic and using Islamic terminologies, its religious tenets differ substantially from orthodox Islamic traditions.

    Nation of islam biography books

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  • Scholars of religion characterize it as a new religious movement.

    The Nation teaches that there has been a succession of mortal gods, each a black man named Allah, of whom Fard Muhammad is the most recent. It claims that the first Allah created the earliest humans, the Arabic-speaking, dark-skinned Tribe of Shabazz, whose members possessed inner divinity and from whom all people of