Rabia al adawiyya biography definition

  • Rabia al adawiyya biography definition
  • Rabia al adawiyya biography...

    Al-Adawiyah, Rabi?ah

    BORN: c.

    Rabia al adawiyya biography definition in urdu

    713 • Basra, Iraq

    DIED: c. 801 • Basra, Iraq

    Iraqi religious leader; poet; mystic

    Rābiʾah al-Adawiyah was an eighth-century Muslim mystic, or a person concerned with religious mysteries.

    She is considered a saint of Islam, a virtuous and holy woman who was also able to perform miracles. Rābiʾah, a founding member of the branch of Islam called Sufism, established the principle of mystical love, or the pure love of Allah, as a path to knowing Allah.

    She rejected the notion that punishment or heavenly reward motivated religious devotion.

    Rabia al adawiyya biography definition

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  • Rābiʾah was also one of the most prominent early Sufi poets, leaving behind many verses and prayers that became part of the literature and oral tradition of Islam.

    A Life of poverty

    Rābiʾah was born about in 713 ce to the Al-Atik tribe of Qays clan and died, by most accounts, in 801.

    Her name means "fourth daughter" in Arabic. Other variations of her name include Rābiʾah al-Qaysiyya and Rābiʾah al Basri (Rāb