Winston churchill youtube iron curtain

  • Winston churchill youtube iron curtain
  • Winston churchill youtube iron curtain

  • Winston churchill youtube iron curtain speech
  • Sir Winston Churchill – Sinews of Peace (Iron Curtain) Speech
  • Winston churchill speech
  • Winston churchill recordings
  • Sir Winston Churchill – Sinews of Peace (Iron Curtain) Speech.

    "It is a solemn moment for the American Democracy. For with primacy in power is also joined an awe-inspiring accountability to the future" 
    – Winston Churchill, "The Sinews of Peace" ('Iron Curtain' Speech).

    On March 5, 1946, the presence of Winston Churchill and President Harry Truman turned a college gymnasium in a small Midwestern town into a world stage as Churchill delivered his most famous post- World War II address — "The Sinews of Peace."

    That Churchill and Truman would travel to Fulton, Missouri, is a story of a college president with the boldness to ask for the seemingly impossible; of a Westminster College alumnus with access to the President of the United States; of a President of the United States with the willingness to endorse the invitation; and of a recently defeated British Prime Minister with the shrewdness to recognize an opportunity.

    It is a story of coincidence and a moment boldly grasped — a combination Churchill capitalized on