Panfilo de narvaez biography expeditionary

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    Pánfilo de Narváez

    The Spanish soldier and explorer Pánfilo de Narváez (1478?-1528) participated in the conquests of Jamaica and Cuba and led an ill-fated expedition to colonize Florida.

    Pánfilo de Narváez was born in Valladolid.

    Panfilo de narvaez biography expeditionary

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  • Seeking his fortune as a soldier, he migrated to the island of Hispaniola (modern Dominican Republic and Haiti). In 1509 he accompanied Juan de Esquirel in the conquest of Jamaica. Two years later, as a commander of 30 crossbowmen, he joined Diego de Velázquez in the conquest of Cuba.

    The tall, red-bearded Narváez, with a resonant voice "as if it came from a cave," emerged from the conquest with a reputation of being "brave against Indians." But as a commander of expeditions, he was both blundering and unlucky.

    His misfortunes began when Governor Velázquez appointed him in 1520 to lead an expedition to Mexico, where he was to arrest Hernán Cortés and replace him as commander in the conquest of Mexico. Cortés outwitted Narváez, won over most of his m